Friday, 25 April 2014

Target audience

Name: George 
Age: 15
Average day: Goes to School to do his GCSE's. comes home to watch cartoons while eating buttered crumpets, then goes out to play with his mates. 
Hobbies and interests: skateboarding, preme.
Spending power: £30 a week. unemployed. 
Typical media consumption per day: 2 hours of television per day, 3 hours on the internet. 
Why the animation will appeal to them (look, style of animation, themes, main character, humour): George likes the animation due to the obscureness of the animation and the how random the storyline is, you really don't need to pay attention to the cartoon to enjoy it, therefore it can be put on while he does work or when he is chilling with his mates, so he can stay sociable and have a laugh with his mates while still watching the animation.

Legal and ethical issue.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Animation Production Schedule + Costs.

Animation production schedule from Casper Brazier
My animation series consists of short 5 min episodes, and animation will be very basic 2d animation no special effects will need to be involved. Having these equalities my Animated Series will have low costs to be produced.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Key scene storyboard

Credit Sequence

My credit sequence will be short and snappy and will be able to used to introduce my cartoon quickly, as my episodes are going to be 5 mins long each so i want to fill my episodes with more storyline content than credits.


'Cream cheese dreams' part 1
  Ed watches a advertisement in which hypnotises him to go buy cream cheese,
 pete completely unaware agrees to come shopping they pick up the cream cheese
 and go home, once Ed had eaten the cream cheese he then passes out and finds    himself drifting  through deep space. Ed ends up on a planet where he then gets
 abducted, he wakes up  in-captured within a spaceship.
 This episode will end in a cliffhanger.

TV series. 5 mins long episodes, 12 episodes in a series.